2010 Weather Update for Arlington and Marshfield
(updated October 31, 2010)
Planning for 2011. Check out these nifty crop budget worksheets by Ken Barnett at
Tweeted December 6, 2010.
Grain - Silage - Specialty - Organic
December 2010 A3653
Every year, the University of Wisconsin Extension-Madison and College of Agricultural
and Life Sciences conduct a corn evaluation program, in cooperation with the Wisconsin
Crop Improvement Association. The purpose of this program is to provide unbiased
performance comparisons of hybrid seed corn available in Wisconsin . These trials
evaluate corn hybrids for both grain and silage production performance. In 2010,
grain and silage performance trials were planted at thirteen locations …
Kip Cullers Beats His Soybean Yield Record – Again – at 160.6 bushels per acre.
Tweeted October 13, 2010
Pressured to Place that Corn Seed Order? Remember the Basics
October 1, 2010 Field Crops 28.33 - 82
This time of year growers are under a lot of pressure to buy seed. Seed salesmen
pursue seed commitments through volume pricing and early purchase incentives often
before the current year's yield trial results are available. Growers often respond
by putting a "hold" on seed orders, but not committing to specific hybrids
until yield results are published. This time of year is difficult because seed salesman
must balance supply with demand.
Do not be "sold" hybrids through commercial advertising (radio, TV, magazines,
and newspapers), sales literature, sales pitches from seed dealers, testimonials,
or simply because it is "cheap" or "new" or "transgenic"
or "available" or "different." Choose hybrids wisely by
using comparative yield performance data. Remember the basic principles
of hybrid selection: ... more
From Rothamsted, England: Visit the website "Journey to the Centre of the Earth:
the first 23 cm." See http://bit.ly/acNqgO
Tweeted September 28, 2010
USDA report shows improving corn-ethanol energy efficiency. See
Tweeted September 22, 2010
Read about how plant breeders contribute to rurual development in the U.S.(http://bit.ly/9SSrYm) and England (http://bit.ly/boi2nA).
Tweeted September 15, 2010
Increasing corn production costs are cutting into profits. See http://bit.ly/brrRnD.
Tweeted September 14, 2010
Increasing Corn Production Costs Cut Into Profits
September 14, 2010 Field Crops 28.63 - 81
As harvest draws near, growers are encouraged by record projected yields and the
strong corn prices available right now. But, a strong corn price does not guarantee
profitability unless production costs are under control. Even though prices are
strong, grower return (profitability) for 2010 is likely going to be similar to
previous years because of increasing productions costs and a strong basis. Figure
1 describes the average cost per bushel and cost per acre of ...
Estimating Corn Grain Yield Prior to Harvest. See http://bit.ly/cuAjf7. Also see http://bit.ly/9fMKSk
Tweeted August 23, 2010
So, the custom corn silage chopper is at your door, but you think it might be a
little too wet ... What do you do? See http://bit.ly/cmB1nC
Tweeted August 23, 2010
Synchrony of silage grain and stover drydown
August 19, 2010 Field Crops 28.5-80
This year there is a lot of concern about asynchronous drydown of the corn silage
crop. Farmers are concerned that the grain will get too hard and be drier than stover
when harvested and placed into the storage structure. In this article I would like
to examine, some of the principles behind timing the decision to begin silage harvest
... more
Silage harvest will soon be in full swing (likely next week). Some advice for timing
the decision to start at http://bit.ly/doqagt.
Tweeted August 18, 2010
Marshfield ARS has record growing season precipitation (98-yrs April 1-August 15).
Arlington also above normal precip http://bit.ly/detKgU.
Tweeted August 16, 2010
Flooding impacts on Corn Growth and Yield http://t.co/snRdMSb
via @WisconsinCorn
Tweeted August 14, 2010
Production Efficiency is featured in the 2010 PEPS Program
http://t.co/7cNMezO via @WisconsinCorn
Tweeted August 13, 2010
Agriculture's Role in Greenhouse Gas Emissions &
A report from ASA-CSSA-SSSA tweeted August 13, 2010
Monsanto Cuts Price Premiums on Newest Seeds More Than
Analysts Estimated
A report from Bloomberg tweeted August 12, 2010
Production Efficiency is featured in the 2010 PEPS Program
July 22, 2010 Field Crops 28.9-79 2010 PEPS
Entry Form
The global climate change question, increasing regulations, and the food versus
fuel debate have put unprecedented pressure on farmers. Farmers must remind society
that they are good stewards, and that while growing corn they can conserve soil,
improve water quality and produce adequate food, feed, fiber and fuel. The Profits
through Efficient Production Systems (PEPS) program provides an outstanding opportunity
to gain valuable knowledge, technical insight and demonstrate your farming skills.
It provides a unique method to compare the economics of your cropping systems to
others. The 2010 PEPS program features profitability through efficient production
systems ... more
So Far, A Great Start For Corn, But Just An Average Weather
June 26, 2010 Field Crops 10.3 - 78 Weather
Graphs PDF
For much of Wisconsin, the 2010 corn crop got off to a great start. Crop progress
in some areas is at record pace for development. The crop is ahead of schedule because
of early planting dates, rather than significantly different weather. For many farmers
the crop is so tall that they are at lay-by in many of their fields. Dr. Bill Tracy
indicated that sweet corn inbreds planted May 18 are ready to be shoot bagged -
a record early date for him and his crew... more
The Risk in Early Planting Dates
May 6, 2010 Field Crops 28.421 - 77
As of May 2 about 51% of the corn crop acreage was planted. With the exception of
the eastern 1/3 of Wisconsin, most farmers have finished corn planting and have
moved on to planting soybean. USDA-NASS began keeping records in 1979 on various
stages of crop progress during the growing season. This season is the earliest we
have ever hit the 50% mark for corn acreage planted... more
Drying Progress of Corn Standing in the Field Over Winter
February 16, 2010 Field Crops 28.47 - 76
Due to the unusually cool growing season during 2009, many farmers left their corn
standing in the field over winter. On December 7, 2009 USDA reported that about
23% of Wisconsin's corn crop had not been harvested. Shortly after the report,
a large snow storm and sub-zero temperatures brought grain harvest to a standstill.
Some harvesting has occurred since early December, but if approximately 15 to 20%
of the acres have not been harvested, then it amounts to 440,00 to 590,000 acres
of corn left standing in the field. This year was the most expensive corn crop ever
produced by Wisconsin farmers. In the PEPS Program,
cash corn cost $531 per acre to produce. Thus, the standing corn left to overwinter
in the field represents $234 to $313 million of value...
2009 Profits through Efficient Production Systems (PEPS)
January, 2010
2010 Corn Conferences
January, 2010
2010 Agronomy Update meetings
January, 2010