D.J. Undersander1, A.R. Kaminski1, E.A. Oelke2,
L.H. Smith2, J.D. Doll1, E.E. Schulte1, and E.S.
1Departments of Agronomy and Soil Science, College of Agriculture and
Life Sciences and Cooperative Extension Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
WI 53706.
2Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota,
St. Paul, MN 55108.
March 1991.
I. History:
Turnip (Brassica rapa L.) is a root Brassica crop and has been used as a
vegetable for human consumption in Europe since prehistoric times. Turnip root has
been a popular livestock fodder for at least 600 years wherever the crop can be
grown. For most of that time turnip roots have been managed as forage. Researchers
in the United States determined in the early 1900s that turnip roots are valuable
energy sources for young ruminant animals. However, livestock farmers at that time
were turning away from the Brassica root crops (which also include rutabagas or
swedes) for fodder because much hand labor was required for the production and utilization
of the large roots. One study showed that the labor requirement on a nutrient basis
for these crops was three times that needed for corn silage production.
In the late 1970s, however, researchers began to demonstrate the potential of turnip
as pasture. The development of varieties with partially exposed roots rendered the
roots more available to grazing animals. Livestock graze turnip tops and roots readily,
and the forage is of high quality. Pasturing eliminates the need for manual labor
in harvesting and storing. In general, the root Brassicas are fast-growing, high
yielding and well adapted to seeding into existing pastures with little or no tillage
or to seeding into a conventionally prepared seedbed.
Turnip is a cool-weather crop and well adapted for the northern parts of the United
States and Europe and for Great Britain and Canada. However, truck-growing areas
of the South also produce turnip roots and greens in all seasons for human consumption.
II. Uses:
Turnip produces high-quality forage if harvested before heading. Livestock eat the
stems, leaves and roots of turnip plants. Above-ground parts normally contain 20
to 25% crude protein, 65 to 80% in vitro digestible dry matter (IVDDM), about 20%
neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and about 23% acid detergent fiber (ADF). The roots
contain 10 to 14% crude protein and 80 to 85% IVDDM.
The high levels of glucosinolates (which can cause thyroid enlargement in young
growing sheep and cattle) can be a problem if turnip forage is fed for long enough.
Glucosinolates are higher in older (90-day) than 60-day forage. Oral or subcutaneous
iodine administration can alleviate thyroid problems. Turnip roots usually are higher
in glucosinolates than the tops and leaves. Two other anti-quality factors, S-methyl
cysteine sulphoxide (SMCO) and free nitrates can also be present. SMCO is the main
problem and can cause anaemia. To minimize the potential for animal health problems
from these factors, forage from turnips should be fed in combination with other
Turnip and other Brassicas can provide grazing at any time during the summer and
fall depending on the seeding date. A promising use may be for late fall grazing.
These crops maintain their forage quality, if not headed, well into the fall even
after freezing temperatures and may be grazed in the Upper Midwest into November.
Many turnips can be grazed twice to permit utilization of top growth and roots.
III. Growth Habits:
Turnip is a member of the mustard family and is therefore related to cabbage and
cauliflower. Turnip is a biennial which generally forms seed the second year or
even late in the fall in the first year if planted early in the spring. During the
first or seeding year 8 to 12 erect leaves, 12 to 14 in. tall with leaf blades 3
to 5 in. wide are produced per plant. Turnip leaves are usually light green, thin
and sparsely pubescent (hairy). In addition, a white-fleshed, large global or tapered
root develops at the base of the leaf petioles. The storage root varies in size
but usually is 3 to 4 in. wide and 6 to 8 in. long. The storage root consists mainly
of the hypocotyl, the plant part that lies between the true root and the first seedling
leaves (cotyledons). The storage root generally has little or no neck and a distinct
taproot. The storage root can overwinter in areas of mild winter or with adequate
snow cover for insulation and produce 8 to 10 leaves from the crown in a broad,
low-spreading growth habit the following spring. Branched flowering stems 12 to
36 in. tall are also produced. The flowers are clustered at the top of the raceme
and are usually raised above the terminal buds. Turnip flowers are small and have
four light-yellow petals.
IV. Environment Requirements:
A. Climate:
Brassicas are both cold-hardy and drought-tolerant. They can be planted late--even
as a second crop--and provide high-quality grazing late in the fall. Turnip planted
in July will provide grazing from September to November. The most vigorous root
growth takes place during periods of low temperature (40 to 60o F) in
the fall. The leaves maintain their nutritional quality even after repeated exposure
to frost.
B. Soil:
Like other Brassicas, turnip grows best in a moderately deep loam, fertile and slightly
acid soil. Turnip does not do well in soils that are of high clay texture, wet or
poorly drained. For good root growth turnip needs a loose, well aerated soil.
V. Cultural Practices:
A. Seedbed Preparation:
Turnip seed is small, and it is essential that it be seeded into a fine, firm seedbed
with adequate moisture for germination. Plow and disk or harrow to produce a seedbed
that is fine, firm and free of weeds and clods.
Turnip, like other Brassicas, can also be seeded into a sod or into stubble of another
crop with minimum tillage. When seeding into sod, it should be suppressed or killed,
as the young Brassica seedlings cannot compete with established grasses. To kill
sod, apply 2 qt/acre of Roundup at least three days prior to seeding. A 0.5 qt/acre
rate of Roundup can be used in 3 to 10 gal water/acre to suppress sod or to prepare
a field of wheat stubble for seeding with turnip. Once established, turnip will
compete with most weeds.
The advantages of direct drilling turnip into sod include fewer crop losses due
to insect pests, such as the flea beetle, and less soil erosion on sloping sites
where pastures are often located. A field of turnip established in sod gives animals
a firm footing in all kinds of weather. It also allows the original sod to grow
again the following spring if it has only been suppressed.
B. Seeding Dates:
Turnip seed does not germinate well in cold soil. Turnip should not be planted until
the soil temperature is at least
50o F or at corn planting time. The crop can be planted any time during
the summer until about 70 days before a killing frost August 1 in the southern half
of Wisconsin, earlier elsewhere in Wisconsin and in Minnesota). Plantings after
these dates may not have sufficient time to produce good forage growth.
C. Method and Rate of Seeding:
Turnip seed can be planted in 6 to 8 in. rows at a rate of 1.5 to 2.5 lb/acre with
a minimum-till drill when sod seeding. In conventionally prepared seedbeds, the
crop can be seeded with a forage crop seeder or broadcast followed by cultipacking.
The seed should not be covered with more than 2 in. of soil. A plant population
of 5 to 6 per sq. ft. is desirable.
D. Fertility and Lime Requirements:
Good soil fertility is very important for good yields. Soil tests should be taken
to assure proper fertilization. Lime acid soils to pH 6.0. Fertilizers should be
applied at the time of seeding or within 3 days of seeding to give the crop a competitive
edge on weeds. Apply 100 lb/acre nitrogen to soils containing 2 to 5% organic matter,
120 lb/acre if less than 2% organic matter and 60 to 80 lb/acre if more than 5%
organic matter. Requirements for phosphorus and potassium are similar to those of
a small grain. In Wisconsin and Minnesota, when soil tests are in the medium range,
about 20 to 30 lb/acre of P2O5 and 120 lb/acre of K2O
should be applied. Fertilizer applications should be banded at least 2 in. to the
side and below the seed or broadcast. Boron and sulfur may also be needed. If the
soil tests "low" in boron, apply 1 lb boron/acre on sandy soils, and twice
this amount on other soils. Apply 10 to 15 lb of S/acre if a soil sulfur test indicates
a need for this element.
E. Variety Selection:
Three forage turnip varieties are recommended for use in the Upper Midwest: Green
Globe and York Globe from New Zealand and Sirius turnip from Sweden. In Pennsylvania,
Green Globe and York Globe yielded more than Sirius at 60 days after planting, but
Green Globe reached its peak yield later than the other two. Sirius yields were
more variable from year to year than Green Globe or York Globe. The tops and leaves
of Sirius have less glucosinolate than the other two varieties.
F. Weed Control:
Weeds are generally not a problem once the turnip crop is established. However,
sod and annual weeds should be controlled chemically and/or culturally before planting.
Sod can be suppressed or killed with Roundup, as described under Seedbed Preparation.
If annual weeds are present at planting time, eliminate them with a burn-down herbicide
such as Gramoxone. Tillage before planting can be used for weed control on a conventional
G. Diseases and Their Control:
Turnip crops may suffer from clubroot, root knot, leaf spot, white rust, scab, anthracnose,
turnip mosaic virus and rhizoctonia rot. In some cases, diseases can lead to crop
failure if rotation or other control measures are not used. Resistant varieties
are available for some diseases. To prevent problems with diseases, Brassicas should
not be grown on the same site more than two years in a row. If clubroot is a problem,
rotation should be six years.
H. Insects and Other Predators and Their Control:
Turnip crops are attacked by two different flea beetles, which eat holes in the
cotyledons and first leaves, chew stems and cause extensive plant loss. The cabbage
flea beetle and the striped flea beetle feed exclusively on Brassicas, including
related weeds such as yellow rocket. Problems with these flea beetles are much greater
when Brassicas are grown under conventional tillage. Both flea beetles can be controlled
with insecticides applied to the soil at planting.
Turnip crops can also be damaged by infestations of the common turnip louse or aphid.
This insect feeds on the undersides of the leaves and may be so close to the ground
that it is difficult to reach with a dust or a spray. In cases of severe infestation,
the outer leaves curl and turn yellow. Aphid-tolerant varieties such as `Forage
Star' can give some protection against this insect.
I. Harvesting:
Turnip plants are ready for grazing or green-chop when the forage is about 12 in.
tall (70 to 90 days after planting). It is best not to wait too long because fungal
diseases may begin to cut yields approximately 110 days after planting. The pasture
should be grazed for a short time and the livestock removed to allow the plants
to regrow. If grazed to a 5 in. stubble, 1 to 4 grazing periods may occur, depending
on planting date and growing conditions. Strip or block-grazing is desirable to
insure complete grazing.
The forage quality of turnip is sufficiently high, especially in protein, that it
should be considered similar to concentrate feeds, and precautions should be taken
to prevent animal health problems. Livestock should not be hungry when put on pasture
the first time so they do not gorge themselves. If the livestock are moving from
a feed low in nutritional value, feed a high-quality diet for two to three weeks
prior to grazing turnip, or feed turnip for 30 min/day for one week prior to heavier
grazing. This will allow for the development of a rumen microbial population that
is adequate to digest the high levels of protein in forage turnips. A lower quality
hay should be made available (2 to 3 lb of dry roughage/head/day for sheep and 10
to 15 lb for cattle) to provide some fiber in the animals' diet.
Livestock should not feed on turnip during the breeding season or after the plants
have begun to flower. Nitrate nitrogen toxicity can be a problem, especially if
ruminants are allowed to graze on immature crops or if soil nitrogen levels are
high. The risk may remain for a longer period of time in autumn than in summer.
Dairy cows should not be fed more than 50 lb turnip/head/day and should not be milked
immediately after feeding on turnip to avoid milk tainting.
VI. Yield Potential and Performance Results:
Yields of forage turnip range between 3 and 4 tons of dry matter/acre when harvested
or grazed about 90 days after planting. Up to 1,000 grazing days/acre for 900 lb
steers and 2,300 grazing days/acre for 90 lb lambs have been obtained for Forage
Star turnip.
VII. Economics of Production and Markets:
Turnip is a highly nutritious forage crop that has a short growing season and can
provide late fall grazing after other forage crops are finished for the year. Seed
prices range from $1.50/lb for garden-variety turnips to about $8/lb for some new
hybrid varieties.
VIII. Information Sources:
A New Look at an Old Forage Crop. 1979. Pennsylvania Grassland News, Vol. XIX, No.
Production of Turnips and Rutabagas. 1937. Beattie, W.R. USDA Leaflet 142.
Forage Brassicas for Economical High Grade Grazing. Alf Christianson Seed Co., Mount
Vernon, Washington 98273.
Brassica Notes. G.A. Jung. U.S. Regional Pasture Research Laboratory, USDA-SEA-AR,
University Park, Pennsylvania.
Those Brassy Brassicas. 1989. Karl Kessler. The Furrow, Spring 1989, Vol. 94, Issue
4. pp. 20-21.
Utilizing Brassicas for Fall Forage in Michigan. 1989. Rich Leep. Michigan State
University, Cooperative Extension Service.
Brassica Notes. 1989. D. Undersander. University of Wisconsin-Extension. FC 15.4.1.
Sheep Pastures for the Midwest. 1990. R.M. Jordan and G.C. Marten. North Central
Regional Extension Publication 368. Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota
Species and Planting Dates for Second-Crop Forage Production. 1988. D.W. Evans,
D.B. Bower, and T.A. Cline. College of Agriculture and Home Economics Research Center,
Washington State University, Pullman. Research Bulletin 0996. 12 p.
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