Last updated on
February 23, 2014
Note: This information was developed from lecture notes for the Farm and Industry
Short Course at the University of Wisconsin.
- Rye is an annual or winter annual grass (Diploid 2n=14)
- There are many wild species, but only one cultivated specie - Secale cereale
- Historically, rye is considered a recently domesticated crops
- Rye resembles other small grains - 7 leaves, alternate leaf arrangement, etc.
- EXCEPTIONS - Stems are larger and longer (taller plants) - Leaves are more coarse
- Has very small auricle
- ROOTS Rye is deeper rooting than other small grains - May penetrate 5-6' into the
- The infloresence of rye is a spike - similar to wheat
- Spikelets - arranged alternately on a zigzag rachis - single spikelet at each rachis
node - each spikelet contains 3 florets - Two primaries and a secondary - Secondary
may be sterile except under thin planting or fertile soil conditions 2
- Each floret contains 3 stamens and a pistil - lemma may be awned
- Spikelets are subtended by 2 narrow glumes
- Rye is a cross-pollinating crop - Most varieties have self-sterility alleles
- Anthers extrude from the florets during flowering - promotes cross pollination
- Pollination begins in central part of spike and proceeds upward and downward over
a 2-3 day period
Rye is not an important crop in the U.S.
Rye is important in parts of Europe and Russia that have - POOR SOILS - SEVERE WINTERS
Wheat is usually grown and consumed in preference to rye where the CLIMATE and SOILS
are favorable for wheat growth
- RUSSIA (about 45% of total acreage)
- Only countries with > 1 million acres annually = WEST and EAST GERMANY, TURKEY,
- US acreage has been decreasing - all U.S. rye is winter rye Leading states: S. DAK.,
Rye has a number of characteristics which confer wide adaptability
WINTER HARDINESS - hardiest of all cereals
COOL CONDITIONS - will germinate and grow at temps as low as 33oF Desired
temp range is 50-75oF
LOW RAINFALL - More drought tolerant than the other small grains
SANDY, ACID SOILS (Poor fertility) - Rye will tolerate these conditions better than
the other small grains. Highest rye yields occur in fertile soils. However, other
higher value small grains (wheat, oats, barley) usually outyield rye unless fertility
levels are low
GROWTH - Tall plants - high straw yields 5
LONG DAY PLANT - requires increasing daylength to induce flowering
GROWTH PERIOD - rye has a shorter growth period than other winter and spring cereals
Among small grains, rye requires the least care in preparing a seedbed - Adaptable
to minimum tillage - Disk corn stalks and drill if following corn with rye - If
following another small grain, can drill directly into stubble or broadcast and
disk lightly Seeding date - may be seeded 1 to 2 weeks later than winter wheat in
a given area Rye seed can lose germination rapidly - seed that has been stored for
more than 3-4 months should be tested for germination Most of the U.S. rye crop
is plowed under as a green manure crop
Some rye is GRAZED
Harvesting - Rye is a free-threshing crop - Should be timely, as rye shatters readily
In addition to reducing yields, this causes problems when following rye with other
small grains
Principle uses of harvested rye in the US are:
- Distillation - alcoholic beverages
- Feed - for livestock When fed alone, rye is rather unpalatable Better to mix with
other feeds Rel low in prot %, but protein has good quality
- Food - Bread making - Rye flour alone produces a heavy loaf of bread, so rye flour
is usually mixed with 25-50% wheat flour to improve palatability - Wheat flour causes
dough to rise more than rye flour - Ergot in rye can be toxic to humans and animals
- Harvesting winter rye as forage at mid-boot/early heading is a common practice in
Manitowoc County
- Fall of 1985 - 1,500 acres planted in Manitowoc Co. Fall of 1988 - 18,000 acres
planted in Manitowoc Co.
- Usually harvest in mid/late May, incorporate stubble, and follow with corn for silage
- Forage yields usually average about 2 1/2 tons/a (dry basis)
How is rye forage fed? - Depends on how much haylage remains - Objective is to harvest
and ensile rye about 1 month before feeding it to allow for fermentation - Dairymen
in the area often exhaust alfalfa supplies in late May/early June - High producing
cows are usually fed a mixture of ryelage and haylage - Ratio depends on how much
haylage is left 8
Complete ryelage is usually fed to heifers and dry cows - Dairymen have been quite
satisfied with ryelage
Rye has four numerical grades and sample grade