The National Corn Handbook

last updated March 14, 2016


NCH-1 Assessing Hail Damaged Corn

NCH-2 The Philosophy of Soil Testing

NCH-3 Corn Plant Growth - from seed to seedling

NCH-4 Corn disease management

NCH-5 Popcorn production and marketing (Revised)

NCH-6 Deveoping Maximum Economic Yield Systems for Corn

NCH-7  Preventing Insect Problems in Farm-Stored Corn

NCH-8  Perennial Weeds of Corn: Their Biology, Importance and Control

NCH-9 Soil Salinity and Corn Production

NCH-10 Origin, Adaptation, and Types of Corn

NCH-11 Annual Grass Weeds in Corn

NCH-12 Managing Animal Manure as a Source of Plant Nutrients

NCH-13 Phosphorus Sources for Corn Fertilization

NCH-14 Energy Conservation and Alternative Sources for Corn Drying

NCH-15 Sampling for Corn Plant Tissue Analysis

NCH-16 Seed Corn Quality and Size

NCH-17 Corn Plant Growth - Seedling to Tasseling

NCH-18 Weather Stress in the Corn Crop

NCH-19 Annual Broadleaf Weeds in Corn

NCH-20 Irrigation Scheduling for Corn—Why and How

NCH-21 Economics of On-Farm Corn Drying

NCH-22 Definitions of Tillage Systems for Corn

NCH-23 Economic Factors of Drainage Related to Corn Production

NCH-24 Energy Requirements for Corn Tillage-Planting Systems

NCH-25 Developing Corn Enterprise Cost-Return and Cash-Flow Budgets

NCH-26 Maturity Rating Systems for Corn

NCH-27 Use of Sewage Sludge in Corn Production

NCH-28 Developing a Corn Production and Marketing Plan

NCH-29 Hybri Corn - History, Development and Selection Considerations

NCH-30 Guidelines for Making Corn Replanting Decisions

NCH-31 Safety Tips and Safety Devices for Irrigation Equipment

NCH-32 Potassium for Corn Production

NCH-33 Planning a subsurface drainage system

NCH-34 Poper liming for Optimum Corn Production

NCH-35 Maximizing the Advantages of Early Corn Planting

NCH-36 Effects of Uneven Seedling Emergence in Corn

NCH-37 Corn Hybrid Maturity Management for the Central and Northern Corn Belt

NCH-38 Factors Affecting Drainage on Corn Land

NCH-39 Weeds and Weed Control Systems - What is a Weed?

NCH-40 Growing Season Characteristics and Requirements in the Corn Belt

NCH-41 Irrigation Water Quality and Corn Production

NCH-42 Unknown

NCH-43 Sweet Corn Production

NCH-44 Unknown

NCH-45 Unknown

NCH-46 Plant Analysis: a Diagnostic Tool

NCH-47 Principles of Hedging with Futures

NCH-48 Economics of Conservation Tillage for Corn Production

NCH-49 Corn Silage harvest Techniques

NCH-50 Corn Cropping Sequences

NCH-51 Hybrid Maturity-Energy Relationships in Corn Drying

NCH-52-W Aflatoxins and Other Mycotoxins

NCH-53 The Effects of Soil Type and Climate on Tillage Methods for Corn

NCH-54 Unknown

NCH-55 Nitrification Inhibitors for Corn Production

NCH-56 Unknown

NCH-57 Handling Corn Damaged by Autumn Frost

NCH-58 Utilizing Drought-Damaged Corn

NCH-59 Silage Preservatives and Additives for Corn

NCH-60 Chemigation Potential for Corn Production

NCH-61 Calculating Grain Weight Shrinkage in Corn Due to Mechanical Drying

The above publications were grouped into the following sections

  1. The Corn Crop: 5, 10, 29, 43
  2. Corn Growth and Development: 3, 17
  3. Soil Management: 22, 24, 53
  4. Crop Management: 6, 16, 26, 30, 35, 36, 37, 50
  5. Corn Silage: 49, 59
  6. Climate and Weather: 1, 18, 40, 57, 58
  7. Corn Fertilization: 2, 12, 13, 15, 27, 32, 34, 46, 55
  8. Water Management (Drainage):9, 23, 33, 38
  9. Water Management (Irrigation): 20, 31, 41, 60
  10. Pest Management: 4, 7, 8, 11, 19, 39, 52
  11. Troubleshooting: None
  12. Harvest, Drying and Storage: 14, 51
  13. Production Economics: 25, 48
  14. Marketing and Utilization
  15. Supplementary Information: None

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