Seed Production

Originally written February 1, 2006 | Last updated February 23, 2014

Saved Seedo/crops/prodecon/production/mf2498.pdf"> Saved Seed



Certified Seed



Seed a producer has stored for planting the next year—not cleaned, treated or tested



Seed directly controlled by the originating or sponsoring plant breeding organization


Saved seed left untreated, but cleaned by a custom conditioner



Progeny of Breeder or Foundation seed handled by an originating breeding organization to maintain satisfactory genetic purity and identity

Custom cleaned, treated

Cleaned and treated with a fungicide and/or insecticide by the grower or a cleaning crew



Progeny of Breeder or Foundation seed handled by an approved breeder to maintain genetic purity and identity





Progeny of Breeder, Foundation or Registered seed handled by an approved breeder to maintain satisfactory genetic purity and identity

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