August 2005
Field Crops 28.424-40
Plant Densities for Corn Grain and Silage:
An Update
Joe Lauer, Corn Agronomist
PDF Version
- Current plant density recommendations for corn grain production are 26,000
to 30,000 harvested plants/A.
- Current recommendations for corn silage are 2,000 to 3,000 plants/A greater
than the density planted for grain.
- Compared to 30-inch rows, plant density of corn grown in row widths 36- to 38-inches
should be decreased 2,000 plants/A. Plant density of corn grown in row widths 15-
to 20-inches should be increased 2,000 plants/A.
- Optimum plant density of current hybrids appears to be greater than current recommendations.
- Response to plant density is likely field and hybrid specific.
- Suggest and encourage trying slightly higher plant densities on your farm in the
range of 30,000 to 34,000 plants/A.
Corn forage yield and quality response to plant density at Arlington . Each point
is the treatment mean of 3 to 4 replications.